Theatre series
In theatre time, reality and identity are illusions to be playfully experimented with. The lithographic prints based on this series portray real people who take on fictitious characters. The themes and issues explored in theatrical productions can be comical and funny, but can also deal with serious issues. The lithographs from the theatre series included within this exhibition were inspired by 'Women Singers' and comedians - otherwise known as the performance group "Rumourazit".
The dreaming series
Dreaming can be a spiritual journey. Dreaming a landscape can help to imagine a place with more than one reality. People, time and events leave trace elements within the environments they inhabit. Dreaming helps to read between the layers of what is left - rather like an archaeologist. The 'dream shadows' help to evolve my vision, perspective and spiritual connection of a place. To develop my ideas for the Dreaming series I worked using the collographic printmaking process and experimented with the viscosity of printing inks.
Artist's background
I have exhibited widely throughout the UK and have worked in theatre and as a freelance illustrator. I am currently a tutor at West Nottinghamshire College of Further Education. I also run my own business - Travelling Easels Art Holidays. This involves designing holiday workshops for adults in the UK. I also run art workshops for corporate events. I work as a painter, printmaker and designer.
Contact details
catgingerblack @
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